10 Cooking Jokes for Kids

A green parrot wearing a full-body pear costume holding a pear and wearing a green beret, yellow beard, and green scarf. Against a dark green background, the text "Cooking Jokes for Kids."
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Kitchens aren’t only for making food. You can also cook up some silliness! Tell these funny cooking jokes for kids and all ages.

Q: Why did the apple quit the race?

A: It had no more juice.

Q: How do you make a berry turnover?

A: Push it down a hill.

Q: Where do fruits like to escape to?

A: Pear-adise.

Q: Why do skeletons like barbeques?

A:  They can get lots of ribs.

Q: What do bread friends say to each other?

A: “I loaf you!”

Q: What is it about setting the table that makes you sleepy?

A: The nap-kins.

Q: Why is going to school like cooking?

A: You have to prepare for several courses.

Q: Should I tell you the cream cheese joke?

A: Never mind. I’m afraid you’ll spread it around.

Q: What do fruit rock stars say when starting a concert?

A: “Let’s jam!”

Q: Why must you be careful telling jokes to a peanut?

A: It might crack up!

Make even more laughter and food on Party Parrot World. Invite your friends for joke sessions at one of our restaurants!

Want more laughs? See the rest of our jokes for kids.
