Bring out your jackets and jolly bells! Winter is here. Welcome the coldest season with these easy winter coloring pages for kids.
Warm Jackets
Ready for a nice, cold day outside with a friend? Put on your favorite jacket and scarf to brave the chilly weather. Color and design your winter outfit.

Bell Ringer
Do you hear those chimes? Bells are ringing in the cheer this winter season! Grab your own bell to celebrate! Will you make it gold, silver, or a surprise color?

Your Sweater
This sweater needs your designs! Will you make it festive? Add patterns? Which colors should it have? Would you make it elegant? Or would it win an ugly sweater holiday contest? Create your own awesome sweater!

You can also create your winter outfit on Party Parrot World. (First, make an account on the Hideaway platform.) Grab a jacket, scarf, and pair of boots to begin!
Color in even more scenes! Browse our selection of coloring pages for kids.