10 Kitchen Riddles for Kids

A yellow cheese tie with cheese holes. The text "Kitchen Riddles for Kids" against a peach-colored background.
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Recipes aren’t the only thing you’re completing in the kitchen. There are also these kitchen riddles for kids and grown-ups alike! Ask your friends and family these riddles while cooking or eating together. They’ll really be thinking hard about food from now on!

  1. People give me a face during a certain time of year. What am I?
  2. I am a jam you cannot eat. What am I?
  3. When you’re around me, I’ll make you cry. What am I?
  4. No one can ring me even though I am a bell. What am I?
  5. I am a cheese made backward. What type of cheese am I?
  6. I have eyes but cannot see you. What am I?
  7. I have seeds on the outside, not the inside. What am I?
  8. I have a type of tree and a fruit in my name. What am I?
  9. People often see me as a stick. But I am not on a tree. What am I?
  10. With me, you stop on green and go on red. I’m not the road! So, what am I?

Done trying to cook up the answers? Here is the answer key:


  1. Q: People give me a face during a certain time of year. What am I? A: A pumpkin.
  2. Q: I am a jam you cannot eat. What am I? A: A traffic jam.
  3. Q: When you’re around me, I’ll make you cry. What am I? A: An onion.
  4. Q: No one can ring me even though I am a bell. What am I? A: A bell pepper.
  5. Q: I am a cheese made backward. What type of cheese am I? A: Edam.
  6. Q: I have eyes but cannot see you. What am I? A: A potato.
  7. Q: I have seeds on the outside, not the inside. What am I? A: A strawberry.
  8. Q: I have a type of tree and a fruit in my name. What am I? A: A pineapple.
  9. Q: People often see me as a stick. But I am not on a tree. What am I? A: Butter.
  10. Q: With me, you stop on green and go on red. I’m not the road! So, what am I? A: A watermelon.

For more foodie fun, come visit us on Party Parrot World. Invite your friends and family to our in-game restaurants! Make a Hideaway account to get started.

Want more riddles to solve? Check out our complete riddle collection!
